The APEA honours business organisations that have shown outstanding performance and tenacity in developing a successful business, whilst not neglecting the social responsibilities that come with leadership.
Electronics & Engineering Pte Ltd (E&E) is pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Corporate Excellence Award by Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards 2020, Regional Edition (APEA).
The APEA honours business organisations that have shown outstanding performance and tenacity in developing a successful business, whilst not neglecting the social responsibilities that come with leadership.
“With the recognition from a reputable organisation like APEA, it goes a long way to solidify our 70 year old organisation as a reputable and trustworthy partner and we will continue to serve our clients with the highest standard and commitment to their complete satisfaction. This award will further encourage our team members to continue to serve our customers with the same hard work and diligence for the next 70 years.”, shared Mr. Ronald Goh, Managing Director, Electronics & Engineering Pte Ltd.
Receiving this award for a third time over an eight year period is an affirmation of E&E’s unending commitment towards continuous growth and business excellence and we wish to express our sincere appreciation to our clients, partners and team for their continued trust and support.
“Through the years, we have stayed true to our corporate philosophy of delivering excellence in everything we do and live up to our mission statement which is ‘Getting It Right The First Time” and ‘Our Credential Is Your Guarantee”, he continued.

E&E Wins the APEA Corporate Excellence Award 2020